So it is sometimes difficult to judge their age. But I have seen rugs that look absolutely new because they were kept in a cedar chest away from temperature extremes, light, and bugs. I always like to guess at the age of the rug, and think that most of these are from the 1950’s. Can you tell which one it is? I will tell you in the next paragraph. Chic is an ultra-wispy style of lashes ideally to carry out a delicate yet sexy finish to any look This style is perfect for a seductive finish day or night look All prices are listed in USD. What I’m realizing now is how each experience - 6 moves including moving out of state at 4 weeks pregnant, MANY trainings, overcoming health obstacles, and business risks taken - has all lead to this. One of the hooked rugs shown in this post is not a vintage rug, but one that I have hooked this last year. is a cumulation of what I have manifested and worked hard towards even before I realized I was doing it. Like actually being transported back in time. Strange and wonderful color combinations from yesteryear are what I want to hook.

The quaint and quirky compositions is what makes a rug look primitive. I get ideas for designing rugs from studying old rugs. It can be hard to hook like this if you are used to always being very neat with every loop in a line.

The app named one of Todays most interesting Fashion Apps by Vogue Espaa. Sometimes it can look kind of hodgepodge or sloppy. Co-founder and lead illustrator of Chic Sketch. I also like to examine how the actual hooking looks. I like to emulate this faded-out look as I choose colors for my new vintage rugs. And it is fun to look at the underside of course to see more of the original colors. I collect the rugs because so much about them inspires me. The most that I have paid for a rug was about $65 as best I can recollect. Nowadays all you have to do is start to label something as shabby, and before you finish writing the word chic, it is sold. And most of my purchases were in places where the folks were not yet hip to shabby chic. As you can imagine, these rugs got to these venues mostly because they were holey, stained, unfinished, or unappealing to the untrained eye. And being on a limited budget (ie: I had to have money left to buy wool to hook with) the rugs that I purchased were thrifty finds at yard sales, goodwill stores, and throw aways. Chic, showerproof and infinitely versatile, few pieces boast the wardrobe staying power of a classic camel trench. Unlike many collectors I was not looking for rugs of great value, but what drew me to aquire a rug was purely love. I started to collect vintage hooked rugs 10 or so years ago.