The template includes:7 Applications:EnviornmentInformationOutletsPeaksPhasesPowerThresholds39. I spent a considerable amount of time digging through the MIB to obtain all the correct OID numbers pertaining to each Item for the PDU to use with SNMP. I have created a very detailed template for a Rack Mounted APC PDU. The template is a reworked a version of APC PDU New SNMP Template to suit the needs of our AP7953.Contains sane triggers, load status, graphs, etc.The template monitors both load banks, status of the alarms, and changes in the port status (on/off) LLD of Sensors (Only Temperature and humidity)Trigger Prototypes for recommended 45RH% - 55RH% humidity and 20☌ - 24☌ TemperatureGraph Prototypes for Temperature and Humidity.Triggers names contain the last value that cause the trigger so you can see the temp/hum in the alert. LLD of Sensors (Currently Temperature and Humidity & Wireless Tempurature and Humidity)Trigger Prototypes for recommended Humidity and Tempurature based on Netbotz configured thresholdsGraph Prototypes for Temperature and Humidity I made a simple template for the APC Netbotz AP9340, i currently have 2 (RJ45) temperature sensors connected and retrieving the temp and humidity from both.

There are 4 Applications, 25 Items, 6 Triggers, and 3 Graphs.Applications:InformationReturn SideSupply SideThresholdsItems:AirflowCondensate Pump Run hoursCooling Demand PowerCooling output PowerCool Set PointDehumidify/OutputDew PointDischarge PressureFan. This template is for use with APC InRow Cooling Units. All fixed now!This APC Template contains outlet discovery and should work with any managed or switched APC PDU.Contains sane triggers, load status, graphs, etc.Triggers: APC Load State, Load. UPDATE: Uploaded V2 to fix one of the power ratings that was the wrong OID. Tested with:APC SURTD3000XLI with APC Network Management Card 2 (AP9630)APC SRT3000RMXLI with APC Network Management Card 2 (AP9630)EATON (PowerWare) 9125-6000g with ConnectUPS Web/SNMP Card. There is a UPS SNMP template for UPS with rfc-1628 support.